Friday, October 18, 2013

FRIDAY FIVE-DAY: Top 5 Random Things from THIS WEEK’S NEWS that I LOVE

1. As reported by the Huffington post… The Yeti aka Bigfoot might actually exist… I LOVE TO HATE THIS because my mom will continue watching “Finding Bigfoot”, yes the show that is made fun of on E!’s The Soup, because now she has even more reasons to think that those hillbillies, I mean scientists will ACTUALLY find The Yeti one episode, in turn ending the show (DOUBTFUL)

2. Harry styles ding-dong busts through his pants. If someone’s complaining about this… send the to me and I will punch them in the teeth. PRIORITIES GIRLS, PRIORITIES.

3. According to the Huffington post (whom is so legit with the weird ish), a teacher passed out in front of his class after taking some vitamin, his morning heroin. Didn’t know that was a pick me up? Anyways, the reason why I LOVE THIS is because his name is Christopher Chiappetta… I mean is that Italian for chia pet? That last name gets me so good I cant even handle it

4. Woman calls 911 “No, I’m just too damn drunk” girl I get you, but DON’T tell on yourself?! Everyone of our friends would be behind bars if we called the cops on our selves and on top of that…DON’T BLOW
(breathalyzer) and take your keys out of the ignition you 55 year old scrub

5.  PRETTY LITTLE LIARS HALLOWEEN SPECIAL NEXT TUESDAY IS A 2 HOUR EVENT…………..NOW THAT IS WHAT I CALL LOVE RIGHT THERE... Don't worry sexy costumes went out the window this year so it might be hard to decipher between the straight liars and the lesbians ...

**** Your Bonus Miley Photo: photocred: Perez Hilton.... Gollum Cyrus

Out of commish till the PLL episode, can’t wait to dissect our four favorite gals, and Bruce “Paige” Willis… bringing my journal to take notes of this 2hour teaser… SO MANY THEORIES…. I already need a Xanax. 



1 comment:

  1. mark your calendars... we need a watch party- I will let Harrison and Simms know... Get a private jet for Maclay!
